Zapier Connector
Learn how to connect to ZapierZapier is a web-based service that enables integration between Siteimprove and more than 1,000 applications like Gmail, Slack, Zendesk, and Trello, to name but a few. Zapier connects Siteimprove to the applications you use to get things done.
Would you like to receive a Slack or email notification when Siteimprove detects a broken link on your homepage? Or create a task in Trello or a Zendesk ticket for each new misspelling found? These are a few examples of what you can do with the Zapier Connector, but the possibilities are endless.
Currently, the Siteimprove Zapier integration is in Beta release.
You must have Siteimprove and Zapier subscriptions to use this Connector.